Behind the scenes at The Wild Showcase
We wake up and often without as much of a conscious thought, stumble into the virtual world. This alarmingly loud place is full of faces familiar and distant, loved and loathed. Opinions, edited photos and so-called news all morph together informing our collective realities, exaggerated fantasies, self-inflicted fears, vibes for our days, and dreams for our nights.
At The Wild Showcase, amidst all this chaos and clamor we are sowing the seeds for a wilder world- designing quieter spaces with nature virtually blooming in every corner. A rich bouquet of experiences and products thoughtfully curated with the belief that all that we offer must at least be good for the soul and at most be good for the earth.
It traces back to Jim Corbett bedtime stories, told 30 years ago by a loving mother in a leopard print dress that celebrated the animal kingdom and sparked vivid dreams of tigers prowling through lush jungles.
It traces back to dinner parties in homes aglow with candlelight, decorated with exotic art, where on ordinary nights, extraordinary friends created memories in real time, well before life was lived out online and posted on a timeline.
It traces back to strolls at dawn on a neighborhood beach that glittered with beautiful seashells, a time when the term plastic was rarely in a sentence with our oceans.
It traces back..
Call us dreamers, innovators, curators.
We started from a place of love. For all things wild.We discovered a need. To consume in more meaningful ways.
We built a concept. That harmonizes shopping with nature.
We defined it. The Wild Showcase.
We refined it. Again and again and again.
We unveiled it. Today, May 7th, 2021.
Paris was where the first real step was taken, in leopard print heels and a malachite notebook in hand.
Maison et Objet, 2018.
We flew in with the dream to connect with wild brands and we flew out with the reality of a startup with multiple accounts signed up and hungry for more. Energized by the positive response, we channeled this momentum into a flurry of activity:
Researching hundreds of brands. Pitching to global sellers. Designing the aesthetic. Building the website. Enlisting friends and supporters. Seeking advisors and expertise. Writing the content. Styling the photoshoots. Investing all our resources into bringing this concept to life.
And today as our startup begins to scale, you’ll see the crystallization of all this passion and love, these memories and dreams, this hard work and investment, this belief that we have the power to bring a fiercely elegant vision to life and redefine luxury retail not just with a price point but instead with its proximity to nature. It is with immense pleasure we now invite the world to open a window into a greener space online to retreat, replenish and rediscover the wild in all of us.
Welcome to The Wild Showcase.